Sagres, San Vicente and Arrifana: Symbolic Representation of Landscape and Role of Sacred Promontories in the History of the West of Algarve

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Maria Constanza Cerutti


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This paper seeks to provide a look at the diversity of ways in which the main coastal romontories have been sacralized along the Vincentian route, in the Algarve region, located in the southern end of Portugal. The landscape stands out for its cliff-lined coasts, dotted with panoramic promontories that jut out into the Atlantic Ocean.
Formerly known as Al-Gharb, the region was under Islamic rule from the 8th until the mid-13th century. The western end of Algarve is traversed, for almost its entire length, by the Via Vicentina, a pedestrian path that stretches for more than two hundred kilometers, passing through the Islamic city of Aljezur, the tiny fishing village of Monte Clérigo, the cliff beach of Arrifana and the ruins of its old ribat.
This pilgrimage route ends at the mythical cape of San Vicente and the promontory of Sagres, although some walkers continue their journey through the fishing village of Luz, to Punta de la Piedad in Lagos. 

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Cerutti, M. C. (2022). Sagres, San Vicente and Arrifana: Symbolic Representation of Landscape and Role of Sacred Promontories in the History of the West of Algarve. Del Prudente Saber, (16).

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*** Citas - MX ***

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